You will definitely have the travel bug after listening to this! Don't miss this exciting World Travel episode!
S4, E77 - Kim is an international teacher that has taught in the North Western USA, Vietnam, Guatemala, and now in Thailand. Kim and her wife, Robin, took a year off to travel to 36 countries in 365 days. Kim joins us from Chang Mai, Thailand to share their amazing trip. Hear about lots of food, proboscis monkeys, and Keens. Kim and Robin have proven you only need to carry what is necessary - like handy wipes, just two t-shirts, and a trusty pair of Keens. From the words of the famous Anthony Bourdain: "Be a traveler, not a tourist." See an ITP map of their entire trip here. Comments are closed.
EpisodesWe usually post every two weeks. Comments are turned off. The podcast has been around since April 2021. SeasonsSeasons are defined as every 25 episodes.