S2, E50 - Welcome to our 50th episode of the International Teacher Podcast. It is also our 2 year anniversary. We welcome back Jacqueline Mallais, the founder of JPMint Consulting, for her second guest appearance on our show. Jacqueline has established herself as a consultant extraordinaire for current and soon-to-be international teachers. Listen in as she celebrates her successes and future goals. At some point, JP orchestrates a TikTok challenge with Greg the single guy.
This is a must listen episode for any international teacher that is ready to move on to their next school, any current teachers thinking about going abroad to teach, and all pre-service teachers that aren't sure whether international teaching is meant for them. Congratulations Jacqueline! Your clients are lucky to have you as their advisor.
S2, E49 - Kent and Greg interview two international teachers currently in Spain and Thailand during their Gap Year. Kevin and Matt are the authors behind the best selling international teaching books dubbed "The New Normal" . This interview sheds light on how they co-authored both books from opposite ends of the world, but still give credit to the other teachers that wrote the stories. All proceeds from their books go to the Children of Haiti. Join us to hear how they put it all together.
You want to read stories about international teachers around the world, so click over to Amazon and purchase these two books by Kevin Duncan and Matt Minor: The New Normal: Tales from International School Teachers and The New Normal Vol. II
S2, E48 - Meet the Tech Guru that created freetech4teachers.com over almost two decades ago. Richard was freezing in Maine while we recorded this. He is a proud father, teacher, guest speaker, and technology whiz that empowers teachers world-wide. Take one of his online courses if you want to beef up your classroom tech skills. He focuses on a lot of free technology. Join us as we share stories about customs and famous people, trends in educational technology, and oil trucks.
S5, ITP 47 - Join us as Kent and Greg interview Jeff Torchon about his experience living and working in Japan at the American School in Japan. What’s it like moving your family of four to Japan? Will Jeff have a police story?
Links from this episode: The American School in Japan Conjunto Philadelphia - Home
S5, E46 - Join us as Kent interviews Greg the Single Guy about his experiences at the ISS (International School Services) International Educator Recruiting Fair of 2023 in that was held in Washington D.C. from February 9 - 12. Is Greg leaving the desert? How many candidates were at the fair? Greg has a few funny stories and a scary US Customs story to share.
ISS Job Fairs Website
S2, E45 - In this episode, Kent and Greg interview Data Specialist and famous author, Matthew B. Courtney, about tools for teachers to access and interpret the real data collected in the classroom. According to Matthew, "Working with data can be hard, but it doesn't have to be!"
S2, E44 - Meet Scott Schaffner, a long time International Teacher and Administrator. You may have seen his name mentioned on the Pancake on a Stick Newsletter or even taught with him at some point in Poland, Vietnam, Netherlands, or Dubai. Scott is currently living with his family in Poland and consulting for international teachers. The first half of this episode we get to know Scott and hear about his experiences. The second half we discuss international recruiting. Scott has been on both sides of the International Teaching interview table, so this episode is packed with advice. Enjoy this powerful episode.
Navigate to Scott's website for more advice: https://jobhunthelp.org/
S2, E43 - This week Greg and Kent talk to two teachers from SAES - commonly known as the “Aramco Schools”. Angela and Darian discuss compound life and the pros and cons of being a teacher at a huge cooperation. You can hear more of Angela and Darian’s new podcast: “Just to Know You” at: https://justtoknowyou.podbean.com
Check out our new ITP website at: https://www.itpexpat.com/
S2, E42 - Music teachers are special people. Chris Koelma, founder of Music Teachers in International Schools, joins us from the Netherlands. To talk about music teachers and the resources his website has to offer newbies and veterans alike. Find out more about his passion projects and his opinion on teacher recorder to students.
Music Teachers in International Schools: https://mtiis.co/
S2, E41 - Don't write off Chinese International Schools! China changes fast! That is just one of Brantley Turner's messages. She has so much to offer just one episode. Brantley is a humble guest with knowledge that makes Kent and Greg feel like kindergarteners. Dwight schools is opening a new school in Hanoi soon. Brantley and her family are preparing for the move from New York to Vietnam. Listen in, it's an amazing episode.
S2, E39 - Join Kent and Greg in this outstanding interview with David and Audrey from Educators Going Global. At the time of this recording & publication, Educators Going Global had not been published yet. We are all waiting for sometime in December of 2022, for the website and podcast to be born. This is an exciting interview on many levels. David and Audrey share stories about International in the '90s in the days before internet. Is that possible?
If you would like to connect with David or Audrey their email is [email protected] You can find their website at: https://educatorsgoingglobal.com/
S2, E38 - Jacqueline P Mallais M.Ed., M.A., originally from Ottawa, joins us from beautiful Guadalajara, Mexico. Greg learns he needs a cover letter and Kent learns we aren't as special as we think we are. Jacqueline offers an excellent resource for those of us who aren't quite sure what is needed on a CV (resumé) or cover letter for International Teaching Recruitment. To quote Jacqueline: "I've applied for lots of jobs I haven't gotten interviews for, but there are very few jobs I've interviewed for that I haven't gotten."
Hire JPMint Consulting before you start recruiting. Navigate to https://www.jpmintconsulting.com
S2, E37 - Francesca Spencer joins ITP from London, where she is in between international teaching jobs and writing. She teaches to support her writing habit! Greg and Francesca share stories and talk about her four books. Navigate to her website FrancescaSpencerAuthor.com for a free copy of her book: Vietnam's Most Wanted. Read about how she escaped a Covid lock down in Vietnam!
S2, E36 - The three of us discuss how we, as seasoned teachers in an international school, help new staff navigate their first few weeks. Being the new teacher at an international school overseas is not easy. It's not necessarily the teaching. It's everything else that you have to get through in a foreign country.
It's also the beginning of recruiting season. If you are planning on recruiting for the 23-24 school year, now is the time to start looking. Get some great tips from this discussion. Start with some online research. Sign up for some key recruiting tools. Choose an International Teacher Job Fair like Search Associates, AASSA, UNI, or ISS. If nothing else, the social antics of this episode will entertain you! The International Teacher Podcast is simply three teachers who have been teaching and living overseas. We love to share advice and stories about the best kept secret in education: Overseas Teaching.
S2, E35 - Matt is back to celebrate the first day of school. Hear stories about this year's first day and go back in history as all three of us share memories of the First Day of Teaching, Ever. Matt was a bit rusty calling attention to our social media. You can find us at:
email: [email protected] Twitter: @itpexpats Instagram: @itpexpats Facebook.........nahhh. Maybe at some point. (Yup, here's our FB group): https://www.facebook.com/groups/itpexpat
S2, E34 - Welcome to a long overdue podcast! Elliott is an international teacher in Hong Kong who originally recorded this with Greg back in March 2022. When he isn't skateboarding in the vast urban areas of the city, Elliott is maintaining a useful, research-based website for all of us. Nomadicteachers.com is a free database that allows you to match your interests with schools all over the globe. Elliott wanted to match his love of Mandarin, with skateboarding and teaching. Shazam! Now you can go to his site and find a school to match your passions. Listen in as Greg and Elliott discuss the website tool, traveling through Indonesia, coffee in Vietnam, and a few new "cop stories". Enjoy this episode!
Navigate to www.nomadicteachers.com while you listen to the episode.
S2, E33 - Lindsay is a seasoned International Teacher that shares her thoughts with us as she prepares to leave Budapest after 8 years and heads for a new position in Bangkok. You can follow her first year of her Bangkok experience with her 365 project. (One photo a day on Flickr) We also talk about Lindsay's Blog, called ThePresentPerfect and a language learning website called iTalki.com You can find her on Twitter @MsMTeachesELLs.
If you haven't bought Greg's new book yet, buy it and read it now to prepare for a job fair.
S2, E32 - ITP goes back to school and back online. Greg shares a little about his scuba trip to Indonesia. Kent explains what a state of Washington old people farm is. Join us as we dust off the podcast mics and laugh at our own stories. Matt the family guy will soon be back.
S2, E31 - Join Rose and Greg in a conversation centered around Rose's first year teaching, first year international, and first year of real hardship. What to do if you land in a school that just isn't the right fit for you? Do you leave? Stay? Find out the great news about Rose's situation as her story unfolds and she looks forward to next school year.
S2, E30 - In this Episode, Greg interviews Ron Rosenow, the creator of International School Community (ISC). ISC is a vital online tool for anyone in education that is looking to teach overseas. Greg goes behind the scenes to learn more about the this bountiful, data-driven, international school website and why you should trust the vast amount of information it provides. Navigate to https://www.internationalschoolcommunity.com to create a free account. If you become an ambassador and add information about your current school or life in your country, you can access the member tools at no cost.
S2, E29 - Roberto Santos is the Head of School at International School Eastern Seaboard, located near Pattaya, Thailand. In this special episode, Greg and Mr. Santos have an in-depth discussion about what (in our opinions) many international superintendents are looking for in international educator candidates.
S2, E28 - Matt and Greg discuss traveling through customs and the art of pre-planning a trip. What happened at the DeGaulle Airport? And Greg's long story about border crossings on his trip around the North Eastern countries of South America (Venezuela to Trinidad & Tobago, Guyana and Suriname).
S2, E27 - Join Greg and Chantal as we talk about health care overseas. Getting treated at a first class hospital in India within a day or two, no waiting list. Taking a zero off of any USA bill for medical in India. Chantal also addresses the challenges she and her husband had in Ecuador with safety, and a an incident in India almost worthy of an episode of Law and Order.
Chantal mentions recruiting with SearchAssociates and TIEonline. Both are great opportunities for finding international teaching positions.
S2, E26 - For our 1 year anniversary, join all three cohosts to laugh. We look back and look ahead. Instead of Cop stories, we share Snow Skiing in the Middle East or Scotland stories. Kent and Matt remind you, our listeners, to join Greg's mom by buying Greg's book "Finding the Right Fit": www.amazon.com/Finding-Right-FIt-Professional-International/dp/1667828835
Thank you to all of our listeners. Welcome all current international teachers or admin! We would love to have you on our show as a guest. |
EpisodesWe usually post every two weeks. Comments are turned off. The podcast has been around since April 2021. SeasonsSeasons are defined as every 25 episodes.