S3, E66 - If you love children's picture books, you need to listen to this episode! International educator, A.G. Allen, joins us from Mallorca, Spain to laugh and tell the story behind her best selling children's book. Every teacher needs a copy of her book and every parent should read this to their children. Enjoy a copy of her book.
There Are Dinosaurs in the Library! by A.G. Allen (Author), Octavio Cordova (Illustrator) https://www.amazon.com/There-Are-Dinosaurs-Library-Allen/dp/B0C7GJ2L98 Other links mentioned in this episode: A.G.'s website: AGAllen.me Find an illustrator like Octavio Cordova on UpWork.com Reach out to A.G. Allen via email: [email protected] Comments are closed.
EpisodesWe usually post every two weeks. Comments are turned off. The podcast has been around since April 2021. SeasonsSeasons are defined as every 25 episodes.