S3, E62 - Welcome to an episode unlike our others. Greg interviews Camila Duarte about her experiences as an International Teacher from Brazil, teaching at a charter school in the USA. This was recorded in May 2023 as she was wrapping up her five year stint as a visual arts teacher (under a J1 Visa). This was lunch break for her at a charter school in Fayetteville, NC. Now, as this airs, she is teaching somewhere in the Middle East. Yes, we will do a follow up show with her about her third cultural teaching experience, which she landed through a Search Associates Job Fair. Enjoy and learn.
Camila is the creator of the website The Multicultural Education Project https://www.themulticulturaledproject.com/ Camila's Instagram Handle is @mscamilavasconcelos Comments are closed.
EpisodesWe usually post every two weeks. Comments are turned off. The podcast has been around since April 2021. SeasonsSeasons are defined as every 25 episodes.