S5, E112 - Dr. Kelley Ridings shares his extensive journey in international education, discussing his experiences in various countries, the importance of humor in teaching, and the dynamics of life in Shanghai. He emphasizes the significance of leadership in educational change and the heart of a teacher in fostering connections.
S4, E90 - Emily Cave has been in education for over 20 years. Fifteen of those overseas. She joins us from Perth, Australia to discuss Schrole and how helping teachers prepare for international positions strengthens schools. Emily's advice is based on her own experiences as a reading recovery specialist, principal, head of schools, and her current position with the Australian-based recruiting giant Schrole.
S4, E88 - Stacy Stephens is the director of one of the most widely known resources for the International School circuit: The International Educator, simply referred to as "TIE". Stacy has been in education for almost 30 years and 20 of those have been in international schools around the globe. Now she joins us from the USA to share some of the inside story about TIE. Join us to find out what TIE has to offer you. Stacy Stephens is a wealth of information and easy to listen to!
Links from this Episode: The International Educator - TIEonline.com Principals' Training Center: Quality Training for International Educators The International Social and Emotional Learning website. S4, E79 - Kent the Cat Guy and JPMint get deep into Latin America with Mark Webber. With over 23 years in the Latin American teaching arena, Mark has a lot of advice for new and veteran teachers. Not only is Mark active as a teacher and administrator - he also runs a consulting business that's FREE for teachers wanting to discover Latin America.
Mark can be found at www.webbersed.com
S3, E63 - We have discussed this before, but now we have added a bright new cohost. Jacqueline of JPMint Consulting joins our ITP team with many years of overseas experiences, not only with a woman's perspective, but as a Canadian, a veteran international teacher, an administrator, and now a recruitment consultant for international teachers.
JP starts off by quizzing the boys on what makes a great candidate but doesn't hesitate to join in with Kent making fun of Greg. Check out her website at: https://www.jpmintconsulting.com/ JP has also pushed us into the old world of FaceBook with our new group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/itpexpat and Kent promises to join his cat on an ITP TikTok. Enjoy the show.
S3, E55 - Join us as we go behind the scenes of the Diversity Collective. Alan Phan and Aparna Sundaram, cofounders of the Diversity Collective, have each spent more than twenty years in international schools around the world. Navigate to their website as you listen: https://www.diversityfair.org/
The best written words to describe this dynamic duo are their website header: A Recruiting and Consulting Agency that Advances Diversity - The Diversity Collective, a POC-owned and operated organization, works to place exceptional leaders and educators in schools. As a facilitator between educators and partner schools committed to strengthening their leadership, we work to bridge the current diversity gap seen at schools around the world. Beyond those meaningful words, listen to this episode and hear their voices.
S2, E50 - Welcome to our 50th episode of the International Teacher Podcast. It is also our 2 year anniversary. We welcome back Jacqueline Mallais, the founder of JPMint Consulting, for her second guest appearance on our show. Jacqueline has established herself as a consultant extraordinaire for current and soon-to-be international teachers. Listen in as she celebrates her successes and future goals. At some point, JP orchestrates a TikTok challenge with Greg the single guy.
This is a must listen episode for any international teacher that is ready to move on to their next school, any current teachers thinking about going abroad to teach, and all pre-service teachers that aren't sure whether international teaching is meant for them. Congratulations Jacqueline! Your clients are lucky to have you as their advisor.
S5, E46 - Join us as Kent interviews Greg the Single Guy about his experiences at the ISS (International School Services) International Educator Recruiting Fair of 2023 in that was held in Washington D.C. from February 9 - 12. Is Greg leaving the desert? How many candidates were at the fair? Greg has a few funny stories and a scary US Customs story to share.
ISS Job Fairs Website
S2, E44 - Meet Scott Schaffner, a long time International Teacher and Administrator. You may have seen his name mentioned on the Pancake on a Stick Newsletter or even taught with him at some point in Poland, Vietnam, Netherlands, or Dubai. Scott is currently living with his family in Poland and consulting for international teachers. The first half of this episode we get to know Scott and hear about his experiences. The second half we discuss international recruiting. Scott has been on both sides of the International Teaching interview table, so this episode is packed with advice. Enjoy this powerful episode.
Navigate to Scott's website for more advice: https://jobhunthelp.org/
S2, E38 - Jacqueline P Mallais M.Ed., M.A., originally from Ottawa, joins us from beautiful Guadalajara, Mexico. Greg learns he needs a cover letter and Kent learns we aren't as special as we think we are. Jacqueline offers an excellent resource for those of us who aren't quite sure what is needed on a CV (resumé) or cover letter for International Teaching Recruitment. To quote Jacqueline: "I've applied for lots of jobs I haven't gotten interviews for, but there are very few jobs I've interviewed for that I haven't gotten."
Hire JPMint Consulting before you start recruiting. Navigate to https://www.jpmintconsulting.com
S2, E36 - The three of us discuss how we, as seasoned teachers in an international school, help new staff navigate their first few weeks. Being the new teacher at an international school overseas is not easy. It's not necessarily the teaching. It's everything else that you have to get through in a foreign country.
It's also the beginning of recruiting season. If you are planning on recruiting for the 23-24 school year, now is the time to start looking. Get some great tips from this discussion. Start with some online research. Sign up for some key recruiting tools. Choose an International Teacher Job Fair like Search Associates, AASSA, UNI, or ISS. If nothing else, the social antics of this episode will entertain you! The International Teacher Podcast is simply three teachers who have been teaching and living overseas. We love to share advice and stories about the best kept secret in education: Overseas Teaching.
S2, E29 - Roberto Santos is the Head of School at International School Eastern Seaboard, located near Pattaya, Thailand. In this special episode, Greg and Mr. Santos have an in-depth discussion about what (in our opinions) many international superintendents are looking for in international educator candidates.
EpisodesWe usually post every two weeks. Comments are turned off. The podcast has been around since April 2021. SeasonsSeasons are defined as every 25 episodes.